First sessions of the Season

Montana doesn't waste any time to transition from summer to winter. We like that. On September 30th, the white stuff began to fall in Bozeman which created an overall sense of stoke for the winter season. After class on October 1st we decided to run to the hills of Hyalite canyon. We were greeted with 4-5 inches of fresh to play on. The next day, we went back up to the spot and grilled out on site while getting our snow legs back. I couldn't think of a better way to kick off the season! Here our some still shots from the video we took this weekend. The edit will be soon to follow...enjoy!

We loaded the truck with our rail and mobbed out!

Snow and green leaves....the perfect mix!

Shay stoked to be in the snow.

Todd wasting no time to get inverted!

The ever-inventive Shay Lee introduces the "Scissor Swap" to the world.

Grillin' out on a beautiful saturday afternoon in the mountains.

This dog was booking it through the shot chasing after Carson...

Some Montana local showed up and put on a good show for us. Here she is, 5050-gut buster.

Todd stinking things up with a stale-fish boardslide.

Overall, the weekend was successful and we are all looking forward to the snow in forecast!

Words and images by Jonny D.